横溢の葉 / An Outburst of Leaves / 横溢之叶


   Green, yellow and orange flow like water and begin to crest. The intertwining vortex spins with the energy of sunlight and growing greenery. The full, brightness of the power of life represented helps to illuminate and energize the mind of those who view it. This is the same design found in the work “Spirited Leaves,” but this work expresses the energy that is generated by the combination of parts, while “Spirited Leaves” expresses a divergent energy.

 绿色、黄色和橙色像水一样波荡,显示出上升之象。新绿延展的的能量和激励它的阳光像漩涡 一样交织在一起。这种充满活力的光芒照亮观赏者的内心并赋予其活力。虽然该作品的创意与 [活力之叶]相仿,但[活力之叶]展现的是发散而出的活力,而本作品更多的表现了厚积薄发的 能量。