大君 / Tycoon / 大君


 The vivid orange gradation, like the burning sun, emits a powerful energy. The sun has been admired as an Elan Vital (vital impetus) since ancient times. At the same time, it is deeply associated with the rank and power of the monarchy. The title, “Tycoon”, has the meaning of a big shot or a person of influence and gives a strong impression of those persons who aim continually upwards. This work transforms the area where it is displayed into a vibrant and active space and inspires optimism in the viewer.

 强烈渐变的橙色就像灼热的太阳一样,释放出巨大的能量。太阳自古以来被当作艾伦维尔(生 命的飞跃)而被崇拜。同时,太阳作为世界的光明之源,与王位和权力也紧紧相连。本作品名 为[大君],寓意“大人物”“实力者”,更有与追求上进者相符的强大。本作品能激活装饰空间 的气场,助您积极向上。